
The origin of the people and the subarctic region is still unknown (unfortunately, I'm not the master web surfer and i couldn't find any information about the origin of the people. Instead i found a Trojan virus which shut downed my computer for 5 hours <>_<>).

First contact

The first contact with the Europeans was in early 16th century by a Basque fisherman. by late 18th century, all groups in the region had contacted the Europeans. The Europeans and subarctic people were in a great business of fur trade. For this trade, Indians took advantage for the fur trade and later in late 19th century the guns were introduced to the region. The guns allowed for the people to gather fur in abundant amount and at the same time endangered the animals and the human population. From that point they started to stop worshipping the animal spirits and their belief and religion weakened.

Recent History

Recent history of subarctic is that the fur cost is rising. Since they are killing the animal for the fur the animals are depleting drastically. Also the people are using normal cloth for clothing instead of hides. The cloth were traded with fur by the Europeans. Another recent history is that now government is forcing the subarctic children for 'real/normal' education. They would kidnap the child/children and educate them until they reached fifteen and then release the child/children back home.

Current Situation

Now there are 610 groups. There are 2,240 people living in reserve. New kinds of diseases are spreading and steadily lowered the population. The family structure is turning much more similar to the style of the western families. People still carry their cultural traditions while adapting to the technology at the same time. Many more beneficial factors are released by the government. The government created health centers, and established schools. Now, they are starting to shop at markets instead of hunting. Many were drawn in to work as resource gatherers. New diseases came up, such as: -Heart disease -Obesity -Diabetes -Tuberculosis.